Thursday 6 October 2016

A Christmats's Present

It could sound odd, but my best present ever is definitely... my little dog: Milonga. It's odd because dogs are not "things", of course. I need put this clear:  I'm against all forms of animals "reification": they are not for sale, nor for buy or "to gift" like a thing. In fact, I believe in adoption as only way to having a pet -not for "charity" but for the dignity of animal-. Nevertheless, this happened long time ago, when I was a child and I didn't do these reflections -nor my parents. On the other hand, when a special being walk into your life... it's like a gift. In this sense I'm understanding that Milonga was the best gift ever I could receive. 

I was eleven, and my great dream was having a dog. But I couldn't. In this time, my parents and I lived with my grandmother and an uncle (by father side), and they didn't like animals. So, I dreamed of having a dog, but I thought that was impossible. In 1999's Christmas I had asked Father Christmas for canaries (canaries was in a cage and they couldn't disturb anybody). In the 24th evening, my dad say to me that Father Christmas had let my present in a quite far place, "El Arrayán"... and my dad, my mom and I went toward this place. When we arrived, I didn't know where we were: it was a beautiful yard with a big cage and many doves inside -"ahá", I thought-, and there was a big house at the bottom. A lady received us and she said "Yes, Father Christmas let a present for you here". She said something to a man, I didn't understand so much what was happening, and then... the man came back with the most beautiful puppy that I ever had seen: a little color apricot pompon with a fine face, where shining two deep black eyes like nuts. He delivered her to my dad, my dad turns to me with her in his arms, and put her in mines. I couldn't believe it: "It's the happiest day of my life!" I thought. And I think even to this present, there are only few moments such beautiful to me like this Christmas evening. 

Later, my dad told me how difficult was finding Milonga. He wanted the "perfect puppy" for me, and he looked for in every pet shop and kennel in the city (I spoke about this point already...). He spent almost three months finding her. My dad knew many nice puppies but he didn't liked any of them enough. When my dad met Milonga, when he looked at her eyes, he just fell in love; and he said to himself: "she is the one". In fact, Milonga is one of the greatest loves of my life :)

Once my dad told me "You and Milonga were bounded to each other. And I found her for both of you" 

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