Thursday 13 October 2016

Great friends

I will write about two friends, Javier and David "Guatón" because they are not only two of my best friends but they are perfect for this blog (you will understand why soon...)

I met them both in 2005, when we were Greenpeace's volunteers. They are a little older than me -I was the younger volunteer in this time, in fact-, now Javi is 29 and David is 30. They both are engineers -David is Civil Engineer and Javi is finishing Electric Engineering- and they are definitely my most "techie" friends (the Spanish term is more fun: "computín"!). I don't like very much technology, therefore, when I have some problem with my notebook, my email or something like that, always I invoke one of them!

David is an absolutely ludic person. He loves table games, role games -and computers, of course-, he wears socks of different colors -even at job- . He is a public figure, actually... Do you heard about "Cartagua's Jesus" (Jesús de Cartagua)? The character who appears wearing a white tunic in the traditionally trips of University of Chile students to Cartagena beach? Well, he is Cartagua's Jesus. As you can see, he is tall and skinny, and you could ask: why is he called "Guatón" (Potbelly)? I always thought it was an irony, but once David told me that it was literally: when he was lad he was fat. I couldn't believe it, but he did prove it by means of a photo (I think he was not a sooo fat child, but anyway... children are so exaggerated). Currently, he has an online play-store with his girlfriend: "La Guarida del Topo" (I recommend it very much: )

Javi is an adventure guy. A years ago he embarked on the Rainbow Warrior, the Greenpeace's ship: he worked as a volunteer while he traveled around the world (he known a lot of countries!). Last year he did an internship in Paris and then, in the summer, he went to Brasil. Now he is postulating to a Doctorate in London. He is very enthusiastic, he is always motivated to do something new... and sometimes this is a problem: he is entirely absent-minded, actually. Javi loves science, dogs and wolves and he say that he hate cats but it's a lie (I have a picture of him with Argan as a prove, a very cute picture, indeed). Javi is a very sensitive friend... he always know if I'm not fine even by chat! It's incredible

On the start I said that they was perfect for this blog... Because they have helped me very much to improve my English. David speak English very well because he loves English, and Javi has learned due to he has travelled quite. As I have told you, I have learned English mainly on my own. Sometimes, I meet with David in a cafe to practice the speaking (he says it's a like a "role game"), and he was who recommend me Duolingo. Also, when I'm not sure about an expression in English I ask Javi by chat; sometimes he is not sure neither, and we must research together!

They both are great friends. They are very fun, and I enjoyed the time I spend with them: we like go to the theater together or to the cinema. Another times, I go to a cafe with one of them for a good talk. Maybe we don't meet as often as I'd wish, because we haven't time always for a meeting -the University, the job, you know-, but anyway we spend connected to each other. They always have supported me when I have a problem, and they have been in the important moments of my life. I hope to be as a good friend to them as they are to me.

Left to right: Nacho (another friend), David, me and Javi in the Theater, last year.


  1. They look like really cool people! I wish I could go on a intership at Paris like Javi T_T Ah, and I think it's awesome you had been a Greenpeace's volunteer!!

  2. Actually I'm 32, but thank you for thinking I'm younger! (:
    It's an honor to be your friend and to be featured in your blog.

    1. Haha, while I was writing I realized that I was not sure about your exactly age!! (I believe you are ageless, in fact) I thought ask you by whatsapp, but then I said to me "well, one year more, one year less.... Who cares! 😇"

  3. I enjoyed to read your story with your friends. Is great that you were a volunteer in Greenpeace and and is also awesome the things they do :)
