Thursday 27 October 2016

Russia is in the air

Lately I have been reading to russian authors. Because of the perform of the ballet "Onegin" -based on the Pushkin's homonym novel- in the "Municipal" Theater in september of this year, I decided this was an excelent time to read the Pushkin's complete narrative work. "Onegin" is a very important work to me (for that, I bought tickets for the ballet nine months before!). I saw first the film, played by Ralph Fiennes and Liv Tyler, and directed by Martha Fiennes, the Ralph's sister, when I was fourteen. I fell in love. It's one of my favorites movies to the present day. Due to the movie, I searched the novel of Pushkin (it's a novel in verse). In these time, Buscalibre did not exist, so I had to ask the book to a friend who traveled to Buenos Aires. Thanks to Onegin I discovered Pushkin, but, honestly, and although it's a strange thing that a movie could be better than their book, I prefer the film than the novel, because this film is like a perfect synthesis, a pure pith of the story. I enjoyed the short novels and tales of Pushkin, nevertheless it seems Pushkin is better in poetry than narrative. Also, a few days before the ballet performance, I read the Pushkin's Secret Diary. It's stunning. I don't know how nobody has made a movie about the Pushkin's biography yet.

After Pushkin, I have continued reading an anthology named "A century of Russian Tales" and it includes writers like Pushkin, Turgueniev, Gogol, Dostoievsky, Tolstoi and Chejov: it gave me some wonderful discoveries, like a hilarious story by Gogol or a sublime one by Tolstoi about "three deaths", one of them is a tree's death.  Right now I'm reading an anthology of Turgueniev's short novels: I'm in the half of the book, and at the moment it's fine.

So, my year has been very "Russian". More and more increase my interest for the Russian culture... even I would like to learn Russian!

A screencap from the film "Onegin"

+ Bonus: A clip from the ballet: "Mirror's Pas de deux"

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