Sunday 2 October 2016

Next destination: Greece?

The Ancient Greece has been crucial in my life. I'm a lover of greeks myths since I discovered them when I was a child -my favorite goddess is Athena-. I was eleven when I read Iliad and Odyssey, and Iliad is to this day one of the most important books to me. I will never forget the frightning-lightning sensation of these first reading: a complete world had emerged to me.

I'm currently taking the "Greeks Studies Diploma" at the Center of Greeks, Byzantine and Neo-Hellenic Studies of the University of Chile: it's one of the best things has happened to me this year. I am learning Ancient Greek and I love it!! In fact, I want to continue learning Ancient Greek next year, and I hope, some day, to be able to read to Homer or Sappho in their original language. Thanks to the Diploma I have do some discoveries too, for example, that there were many women-poets in Ancient Greece, not only Sappho, and it's incredible taking into account the patriarchally greek culture. Lamentably, only few poems of those poets-women have survived to the present, and even less have been translated to Spanish. I did a work about those women-poets and I found more bibliography in English.

I dream of being in the Parthenon: the Athena's temple!!   Of course, my "adventurer friend" -who has been traveling around the world since a year ago- has been in Greece already and he has sent me many wonderful pictures. The greek islands are very beautiful -some of them are blue colored too!- and definitely I would want to visit Lesbos, the land of Sappho.

I think I really must travel to Greece. Well, I will... some day.

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